Friday, January 2, 2009

Have you ever wanted a jump on your “Know It All” Gospel Doctrine teacher? In reality, most of them do not know much beyond a few commentaries, which are classically limited to Only LDS authors. For those of you who enjoy insightful thoughts and have read the lesson before Sunday, I have created this segment. You are welcome to send me questions about things regarding the section you are reading in preparation for the Sabbath. On Occasion I will share some incites of texts from the scholastic, rabbinic, archeological and mainstream Christian perspectives. Typically, most teachers never view things not included in programs such as gospel link or located at the local BEE Bookstore. Simply email me your request and I will send you an email with corresponding information. Be detailed with your query, for when we are specific we rarely find failure but when we work in generalities, we rarely find success. Boker Tov ….AMMON